
EveMarketTool is an application to bulk price-check items, which can be specified individually or by group, for the game Eve Online.

View the Project on GitHub memcallen/EveMarketTool


EveMarketTool is an application to bulk-price check items, which can be specified individually or by group, for the game Eve Online.


EveMarketTool does not need to be installed. The only setup required is downloading the zip file from releases and unzipping the file.

Hardware requirements

EveMarketTool will run on almost all machines. Recommended minimum ram is 2 Gigabytes. EveMarketTool should run on all CPUs that can run Java 1.8. EveMarketTool is very lightweight, and the only noticable slow-down on older machines will be loading time.


Tab One

First Tab Image

Tab Two

Second Tab Image

Tab Three

Generic Table Filters


This section specifies the defined methods and default APIs available to the Lua script files. EveMarketTool uses LuaJ to parse and run the lua scripts. Currently, the default APIs are based on LuaJ’s JsePlatform.standardGlobals, but this will most likely change due to security reasons.

Default APIs:

Java Methods

Table getTypes()

String getItemName(Integer typeid)

String filter:get(String)

void filter:set(String, String)

Required Lua Methods

String getURL(int systemid, boolean system)

Table translate(Userdata json)

Table getColumnTypes()

Table getColumnNames()

Table translateTable(buy object, sell object)

Optional Lua Methods

Table translateTableCol(buy object, sell object, HashMap<String, String> properties)